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Young Global Citizens
Have you ever thought that you would like to change
the world? Well, you can. There are many youth service organizations that give
young people the opportunity to help their communities and the world. Older
people often donate money to help causes that they are interested in. Young
people usually do not have extra money to donate, but they often have more time
and energy than older people, so they can volunteer to help. There are
different ways to do youth service. You can look for organizations that already
exist in your area and volunteer. If there are no local organizations that you
are interested in, you and your friends can start an organization yourselves.
These types of organizations focus on local projects like planting trees or
helping senior citizens. If you are graduating from high school or college, you
might want to think about becoming an international volunteer. In countries
around the world, international volunteers work in nutrition programs, help
build houses, teach English and other languages, and do many other things to
help people have better lives and more opportunities. Youth service is good for
the world, but it is also very good for the young people who do it. Why is
volunteering for a youth service good for you? It … • gives you more self-confidence. • develops skills like critical thinking, problem
solving, and working on a team. • teaches leadership skills. • lets you express
your opinions about important topics. • can help you learn more about your
future profession. • helps you create a network of professional contacts. •
lets you meet new friends with interests similar to yours. If you are
interested in finding ideas for youth service, you can go online and look up
Global Youth Service Day. You can find out how to organize a project like
cleaning up trash or starting a community garden. You can get ideas for doing
something nice for people, like helping in a home for senior citizens or making
birthday cards for kids in a children’s hospital. Learn how to use social media
to become a citizen journalist. leadership : the skills and
qualities that are needed to be a leader. Source: