Have a Fun Run!
A fun run is a short race that everyone can run in. The idea is to have a lot of fun, and it’s OK if you are not very fast! A fun run is a great way to get money for a school event or a community project. First, you need a team of people to help you before, during, and after the race. It is important to choose people who have free time and want to work hard! You should start planning at least six months before the day of the race. Second, if you are going to have the race on public streets or in a park, you will have to get permission from city officials. They can help you plan a route for the race, and they will close the streets on the day of the race. Decide the details of the race, for example: • What time does it start and finish? • How long is the race? Most fun runs are about 5 km. • How much does it cost to enter the race? You have to pay for several things, but people won’t enter the race if it’s very expensive. So get sponsors! • What are the prizes for the winners? • What is the theme? A great idea is to have a costume race. You give prizes for the fastest runners and for the best costumes! When you know all of the details of the race, you need to advertise it. Find out if you can put the race on the events calendar on the city’s website. Ask local businesses if you can put up posters in their stores. Post the details of the race on social media. Make sure that you have an easy way for people to sign up for the race! Get volunteers to work during and after the race. You need people to do several things, like check in runners when they arrive, give water to runners during the race, give the prizes to the winners after the race, take care of people who get sick or have accidents (ask a doctor to volunteer for this), and clean up after the race. It’s a lot of work to organize a fun run, but if you plan it well, it will be fantastic!
Source: https://mee.macmillaneducation.com/